
Create Front Door with Rules Engine

Azure Front Door Rules Engine

Rules engine in an Azure front door allows us to customize how HTTP requests get handled. It is the go-to place to add CORS rules or modify caching configuration based on incoming requests and so on.

Issue with deploying Azure front door with rules engine

This is where it gets tricky. For now, I use ARM templates to deploy the front door (yet to look into Terraform/Pulumi/Bicep if they are any better at it). But this poses few issues

On the very first deployment, I found

Status: BadRequest 
Provisioning State: Failed 
Status Message: {"status":"Failed","error":{"code":"BadRequest","message":"A resource reference was invalid: \"Routing rule RoutingRule1 contains an invalid reference to RulesEngine: \"/subscriptions/abcde-ghi-479e-959c-sdhfllk/resourceGroups/rg1/providers/Microsoft.Network/frontdoors/frontdoor1/rulesengines/RulesEngine1\"\"","target":null,"details":null,"additionalInfo":null}} 

Then assuming, the rules engine need to be created first, I tried adding dependson only to get:

Status: BadRequest
Provisioning State: Failed
Status Message: {"status":"Failed","error":{"code":"InvalidResource","message":"The property 'dependsOn' does not exist on type 'Microsoft.Azure.FrontDoor.Models.DeepCreatedResource_1OfFrontdoorRoutingRuleEntityV2'. Make sure to only use property names that are defined by the type.","target":null,"details":null,"additionalInfo":null}}

This is because dependson is not valid in a routine rule. So now I am out ideas.

On further investigation, turns out, it is a known bug, refer to the two below.

The suggested workaround

The suggestion on the issue is:

Right now, the following workout may work (depending on your setup for automating):

* Create Frontdoor and Rules Engine Config FIRST, without having Front door reference the Rules Engine config
* THEN, make another ARM template call, on the same Frontdoor, but added with the reference to the rules engine.

Same idea, but a different implementation of workaround

I didn’t want to have two very similar ARM templates and also maintaining ARM templates can be a pain. So as a post-deployment step, I ran some az cli:

az network front-door routing-rule update --front-door-name "frontdoor1" `
    --name "RoutingRule1" `
    --resource-group "rg1" `
    --rules-engine "RulesEngine1"

So the original ARM template just deploys the rules engine but doesn’t reference it from routing rules. The referencing happens in this post-deployment step.


This was a simpler solution to the issue and worked better for me. Hope it is useful for your deployment. Thoughts and comments welcome.



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