AzureCosmos DB TransactionalBatch - Dealing with BadRequest StatusCodeIntroduction Azure Cosmos DB provides a great way to perform transactional batch operations using the .Net SDK. This operation method…
NUnitMocking HttpClient for unit testingIntroduction HttpClient is an easy way provided by dotnet to send http requests. But the problem is that it doesn’t implement an interface…
AzureAzure project during the holidays of Dec 2020Introduction In recent holidays at the end of 2020, I thought of brushing up my dotnet core web development skills or to be honest learn…
TerraformStatic analysis of Azure resource configurationIntroduction Static code analysis of code has been there for quite a while now and it is very useful now in case of configuration as code…
XamarinXamarin - Complying with AdMob policiesIntroduction Xamarin has made monetization of mobile cross-platform apps very easy. Mainly with nuget packages such as Xamarin…
TerraformTerraform - Raise an errorIntroduction The ability to conditionally raise errors is very useful if we are introducing logic and rules in our deployment. Say for…