
Terraform - sharing modules across organization

Terraform modules

In Terraform world, modules are a way of reusing infrastructure configuration. We could create a module as a lightweight wrapper around a single resource or as a combination of multiple resources which need to be deployed regularly.

The idea

I mostly specialize in Microsoft technologies and Azure cloud, so this post will circle these technologies. The team I work in currently own multiple Terraform modules and we are working towards adopting the model shown below.


This image is from a brilliant post by Moim Hossain.

The idea is, one team, the Platform team in this case (different organizations can have a similar team named differently say, Infrastructure team, DevOps team etc.) can design modules while liaising with security, management and other stakeholders. These modules should be designed generically, tested, security analysed and then shared for consumption across product/development teams.

Apart from true IaC and GitOps, the main advantages of this model are:

  • Ownership: Resource deployment ownership lies with product teams. While the modules ownership lies with the Platform team.
  • Conventions and verifications: We have verified configurations and conventions across the organization.
  • Control and sanity: Platform team can maintain the overall sanity of infrastructure with controls in place such as Azure policies.
  • Agility: Product teams can drift away from modules under special circumstances. Or use other deployment technologies such as Pulumi, Bicep or PSArm etc.

Terraform module source

When consuming a module in Terraform we need to specify a source.

module "resource_group" {
  source = "./../modules/ResourceGroupModule"
  name     = "tfmoduletest3"
  location = "North Europe"

Notice the source parameter. Here it takes a local path to a terraform module. Terraform supports different modules sources. The one that we are interested in is generic Git repository as a module source.

Creating and consuming Terraform modules

There is enough documentation regarding the creation of Terraform modules and I am going to focus mostly on our approach towards consumption of modules across multiple teams.

See the examples on Github. A very simple module can look like

variable "name" {
  type = string

variable "location" {
  type = string

variable "tags" {
  type = map

resource "azurerm_resource_group" "resource_group" {
  name     = var.name
  location = var.location
  tags = var.tags

output "name" {
  value = azurerm_resource_group.resource_group.name

And the way to consume it will be

provider "azurerm" {
    features {}

locals {
  tags = {
    "key1" = "value1"

module "resource_group" {
  source = "git::https://github.com/realrubberduckdev/tf-module-test.git//modules//ResourceGroup?ref=9451c9a386b411b71400aa1a382c3e93b2b9e9a0"
  name     = "tfmoduletest3"
  location = "North Europe"

module "storage_account" {
  source = "git::https://github.com/realrubberduckdev/tf-module-test.git//modules//StorageAccount?ref=9451c9a386b411b71400aa1a382c3e93b2b9e9a0"
  name     = "dpteststrgacc1"
  resource_group_name = module.resource_group.name
  location = "North Europe"

Notice this in main.tf on the GitHub repo. The git as module source lets us use a git repo we have access to while locking down to a specific commit hash. So product teams can use these modules in their repo while ensuring, they do not automatically pick up breaking changes.


  • Semver: The Platform team can use tools like GitVersion to adopt semantic versioning and automate the module versioning using git tags. So there references do not need to be an unreadable hash, rather can be ref=v1.0.0.
  • Templates: With proper cost implication investigations, the Platform team can group resources into being resource templates. Thus reducing overall cost for the organization.
  • Dotnet tool: With a simple dotnet tool, we can adopt an organization-wide convention regarding state file management.


This post is more about the concept and the workflow model and how Terraform helps us with the model adoption. Surely there will be other better technologies for IaC and the quest to find a better one shall continue. Hopefully the one without state file management (more on this in a separate post). I hope this was useful, please do share any thoughts or comments you might have.



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