PowerShellAvoid Storing Secrets in PowerShell's Command HistoryIntroduction If you’re using PowerShell scripts to manage secrets like API tokens, passwords, or other sensitive data, you may think you’re…
DevOpsComparing Two Branches in Azure DevOpsThis is a nice trick, which I was not aware of, even though I have been using Azure DevOps for many years. So thought will write a post…
MoqMocking Azure.Data.AppConfiguration.ConfigurationClient using MoqIntroduction When working with Azure’s App Configuration service in .NET, it’s common to use the class to interact with our configuration…
PulumiManaging Identity and Role Assignments in Pulumi with C#TLDR If you need to rename role assignment, rename identity too. Otherwise deployment will fail with role already exists error as Pulumi…
DockerLeveraging ephemeral image registry ttl.sh using Azure PipelinesIntroduction When it comes to testing Docker images, having a reliable platform to quickly spin up containers for testing purposes can be…
PulumiSimplifying Resource Management With Parent Option in PulumiIntroduction In the world of infrastructure as code (IaC), managing dependencies and relationships between resources is crucial for…
DevOpsResolving NU1301 when using Azure ArtifactsUnderstanding the NU1301 Error Before we delve into the solution, let’s briefly understand what the NU1301 error signifies. This error…
AndroidUnity Android - Resolve APK Failed to InstallAs a newcomer to the world of Android development and Unity, encountering errors can be a daunting experience. One common stumbling block…
PulumiUsing Pulumi's Apply Method in C#Introduction Pulumi, a powerful Infrastructure as Code (IaC) tool, empowers developers to define, deploy, and manage cloud infrastructure…
DevOpsAzure Pipelines Artifact Download Issue - A Quick FixThe Problem: There is a peculiar behavior when downloading artifacts using Azure Pipelines. The artifact, when viewed on the repository…
DevOpsMaking an Azure Pipeline Stage Non-CancellableIntroduction In a recent StackOverflow post, I sought advice on making a specific stage in an Azure Pipeline non-cancellable. This blog…
DockerPass app configuration via docker entrypointIntroduction There is a nice post on the many available ways of passing in application configuration into a docker container. Here is…
UnixUnix line endings on WindowsIntroduction Many of us are likely running Linux-based container images on the Windows operating system. This is where writing scripts in a…
Azure DevOpsAzure pipelines - extending yaml arrayIntroduction Azure Pipelines is a continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) service that helps you automate the building…
KestrelAzure container app - Kestrel - Http 431Introduction This post is about an error over which I spent hours trying to get anywhere until my colleague Sebastian Wiejas spotted the…
GithubDependabot GitHub workflow fails - deployment_token was not providedIntroduction The automated update tool Dependabot is a very helpful bot and it creates many fixes in the form of pull requests. Recently I…
AzureWhy is Azure firewall allowing a request that should be denied?Introduction Azure Firewall is an exciting cloud native network security service and provides a lot of features to make our life easier…
AzureExpressRoute missing spoke routeIntroduction After an Azure ExpressRoute is setup we can use Get-AzExpressRouteCircuitRouteTable Cmdlet to view what routes are advertised…
DevOpsAzure DevOps service connection with Service Principal using CertificateBanner from wixstatic Introduction Azure DevOps service connection to Azure, using a Service Principal can use a secret (a password) or a…
AzureVNet peering using Azure PolicyIntroduction Azure policy is a service on Azure which helps us achieve organisation-wide resource governance by creating policies in Azure…
AzureFinding the outbound IP address of an azure function/webappIntroduction It is quite useful to know the outbound IP address of an Azure function app or an app service. Both these services are the same…
TerraformTerraform - working around 'error installing provider'Introduction Recently many teams I have been working with have been hitting this issue with Terraform. We have noticed that it is only…
AzureUsing Azure App Service managed certificateIntroduction Took me a while on how to enforce https on the websites I have deployed using Azure App Service. The main blocker for me was…
IaCFeatures of an ideal IaC languageIntroduction Infrastructure as Code (IaC) is the management of infrastructure (networks, virtual machines, load balancers, and connection…
PowerShellWindows Terminal - Setup Visual Studio prompt in pwshIntroduction This post is more for my notes and hopefully helps someone out figure out how to set up Visual Studio environment from pwsh in…
AzureDeploying DocFX on Azure static web appIntroduction Azure Static Web App The Azure static web app is a modern web app service that helps with streamlined full-stack development…
AzureARM deployment - Cannot find ServerFarmARM Template Deploying resources to Azure using ARM templates is generally quite easy given Azure’s native support in the generation of the…
AzureCreate Front Door with Rules EngineAzure Front Door Rules Engine Rules engine in an Azure front door allows us to customize how HTTP requests get handled. It is the go-to…
AzureSimple active-active configuration with Azure Front DoorAzure Front Door In this post, we will see a simple active-active configuration using Azure Front Door. As per Microsoft documentation…
TerraformTerraform - sharing modules across organizationTerraform modules In Terraform world, modules are a way of reusing infrastructure configuration. We could create a module as a lightweight…
AzureCosmos DB TransactionalBatch - Dealing with BadRequest StatusCodeIntroduction Azure Cosmos DB provides a great way to perform transactional batch operations using the .Net SDK. This operation method…
NUnitMocking HttpClient for unit testingIntroduction HttpClient is an easy way provided by dotnet to send http requests. But the problem is that it doesn’t implement an interface…
AzureAzure project during the holidays of Dec 2020Introduction In recent holidays at the end of 2020, I thought of brushing up my dotnet core web development skills or to be honest learn…
TerraformStatic analysis of Azure resource configurationIntroduction Static code analysis of code has been there for quite a while now and it is very useful now in case of configuration as code…
XamarinXamarin - Complying with AdMob policiesIntroduction Xamarin has made monetization of mobile cross-platform apps very easy. Mainly with nuget packages such as Xamarin…
TerraformTerraform - Raise an errorIntroduction The ability to conditionally raise errors is very useful if we are introducing logic and rules in our deployment. Say for…
PowerShellWhy is my PowerShell function returning two values?Introduction This post is regarding a small PowerShell function that I was writing. It started returning two values at the same time and it…
AzureFinding out IPs of Azure functionIntroduction The IP address of an Azure function can be very useful, especially if you are using IP based network restrictions or any kind…
AzureAccess restrictions in Azure functionsIntroduction Secured access to azure functions is very important, especially when your distributed application can have a public-facing…
AzureDebugging an Event Grid Triggered Azure FunctionEvent grid trigger Azure function We can use Azure Event Grid with an Azure function as an endpoint to handle the events. With great…
AzureEvent grid Azure subscription filteringEvent grid Azure Event Grid is designed to build applications with event-based architectures. The events can be published from Azure or…
NuGetObfuscation using nugetObfuscation We are in the golden age of open source software and yet at least I (surely many others too) work at places where safeguarding…
GitHubGitHub Actions - Publishing to nuget.orgGitHub Actions GitHub provides GitHub Actions to help with automating workflows. We can design CI-CD pipelines and also apply policies on…
AzureAzure pipelines - security & compliance using templatesTemplates in Azure pipelines Templates are a great way to achieve what we could do using Task groups for builds and releases in classic…
AzureAutomated webapp deployment - Git to AzureGitOps Have you heard of GitOps yet? I have come across this term on multiple Software Engineering Daily podcasts. And it is amazing how it…
WikiConvert MediaWiki to Markdown wikiIntroduction MediaWiki and MD based Wikis MediaWiki is a popular wiki. It powers Wikipedia as well as used by thousands of other companies…
AzureSimple Twitter bot using Azure Logic AppsIntroduction Azure Logic Apps Azure Logic Apps is a Microsoft cloud service that helps to schedule, automate, and orchestrate tasks…
MSBuildSDK style csproj & .Net frameworkIntroduction The sdk style csproj (csharp project style) are becoming the new standard for csproj files. All dotnet core and .netstandard…
MSBuildGenerate nupkg using msbuildIntroduction Among many other advantages of using sdk style csproj in our solutions, to be able to generate nupkg without a nuspec file is a…
AzureAzure DevOps flaky test identification & reportingIntroduction We will agree that flaky tests make software development a challenging affair. Such tests add non-determinism and uncertainty…
ExamAZ900 - Simple Tips for Microsoft Certification ExamIntroduction As in any other professional field, we know the value of self-improvement. It not only helps us face the competition, but we…
ConferenceDDD14 Reading 2019Developer! Developer! Developer! Day The DDD14 held at Reading on 12th Oct 2019 was my first ever experience of Developer Developer…